Hedwig Kohn physicist receives a shout out by Google at Google Doodle, see why!

Hedwig Kohn Physicist

On 5th April 2020, Hedwig Kohn physicist 133rd birthday celebrated. On this date last year, Google celebrated and honored the world-class physicist who brought a high-end transformation in the lives of women in the context of women’s non-existing career in science. To begin with, during world war II, women’s career was limited to slavery, household, kitchen, and nothing more!

Google recognized Hedwig Kohn in the memory of her contribution to the construction of what Nazis did! That’s right! The audience may not know some amazing facts about Hedwig Kohn. Let’s get started then:

Hedwig Kohn was a Jew

During World War II, Hedwig Kohn had recently completed her doctorate in Physics from the University of Wroclaw. However, because of being a Jew, Hedwig Kohn had to suffer until the end of the ruling of the Nazi party in Germany. Well! We will never get the idea behind Hitler’s envy toward educated and rich jews in the country. 


Major financial crisis

Of course, the world of jews had gone down the drain during World War II. According to the biography of Hedwig Kohn Physicist, she was a government worker. However, due to the new law for the restoration of professional civil service, she lost her job. Further, for a few months, she fulfilled her needs by documenting contracts. But, around 1938, Hedwig Kohn went completely broke and left no choice but to escape the country. 

Final Escape from the Nazis

After being broke, Hedwig Kohn physicists finally decided to gather the courage and escape Germany in order to get a better life. After approached United States immigration agencies, Ms. Hedwig offered a job position at the American Association of University Women. However, due to the horrifying actions of the Nazis during World War II. She couldn’t plan. In 1940, she moved to Sweden. 

Excellence in Physics

Although, the career of Hedwig Kohn physicist was not much far-fetched in the beginning. However, the good news is it ended well with her high-end contributions in physics’s major subjects such as the black body in the United States. 

Death of Hedwig Kohn

To begin with, those who were the survivors of World War II did not live long to tell their story. Similarly, Hedwig Kohn physicist died in 1964 shortly after leaving Germany. In the meantime, she taught and assisted fellow students at the university in acquiring their doctorates. Furthermore, she also allowed various students to accompany her in her current at the time research of flame spectroscopy. 

Some amazing publishments of Hedwig Kohn Physicist

For the most part, Hedwig Kohn had tried her efforts in enlightening the upcoming generation not only on the subjects of physics but also the horror of World War II towards the Jews. Apart from this, Brenda Winnewisser, a high-end scientist also published books defining the life of Hedwig Kohn. check out the list of books to follow the life of Hedwig:

  • Hedwig Kohn – the physicist of the twentieth century
  • The Emigration of Hedwig Kohn, physicist, 1940
  • Communications of the Austrian Society for the History of Science 1998
  • Jewish Women, A comprehensive historical encyclopedia

Google celebrated 132th Birthday of Hedwig Kohn Physicist on Google Doodle

What you must know about Hedwig is that she was the second woman in the world to build a career in science. Although, in 1964, Hedwig died while her research on the measurement of the intensity of light was still not complete. Her students succeeded in the research after 10 years of her death. To begin with, she had a remarkable will to teach. 

Hedwig with family

To define the power of women like Hedwig, Google mentions her publications. She had written over 100 textbooks concerning major gaps in Physics. Although, the works of Hedwig Kohn are now no longer applicable because of an upgrade in the knowledge of physics. Her name is an honor for the world to celebrate as she went over and beyond to help the world generate into a high-tech one where the secrecy of the universe is no longer hidden. 

At last, in an Interview, Hedwig Kohn Physicist left us some words of wisdom that mention that “Gender is no excuse for acquiring a different treatment whether positive or negative” indirectly. 


Let us give Ms. Hedwig Kohn big applause. Not only does Google Doodle, but every woman and man must follow Hedwig’s story to find the courage to escape their weaknesses like she did Germany. Further, gather inspiration from her story as she did in the USA. 


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