Green Improvements You Can Make That Improve Your Outdoor Living Area


When working on home improvements, it’s a good idea to go for green ones that present you with the opportunity to make your home more sustainable while improving its function and aesthetics. Doing this may not even cost you too much money or specialized technology to do, but its benefits will be widespread. You can choose green home improvements for both your indoor and outdoor area, and here are a few of the green improvements that you can make to your home’s outdoor area.

Setting up Outdoor Pergola

If you want to make your outdoor area more comfortable in a green way, one of the things that you can do is to install a pergola. With one, you can introduce shade to the outdoors and make it comfortable to spend time in the area. You’ll also get the chance to add plants that need shade in order to thrive, adding literal greenery to your home. Keep in mind that 80% of people, according to PR News Wire, say that their outdoor living space is more valuable than it was before. This may be as a result of making improvements to the area that add to its value in a way that makes it more usable and suitable to their needs, which you can also do.

Installing Solar Panels

You can also make a green improvement to your outdoor space by installing solar panels. These are sure to help bring your home’s energy costs lower, since you’ll no longer have to pay for the energy that you use in your home. Installing solar panels with the help of a professional will ensure that you do a good job, from placement to size and even getting advice on maintenance.

This is something that many homeowners already know, with the United States surpassing two million solar system installations in early 2019. You can use solar electricity to power up things like exterior lighting while they provide you with energy for the rest of the house. This is a detail that will improve your home’s safety and appeal if done right, so take advantage of all that solar installations have to offer.

Planting a Garden

Another green home improvement that you can make to your home’s outdoor area is to plant a garden. This should be self-explanatory, since a garden will allow you to plant either food crops or decorative plants that will add to the greenery while catering to additional needs that you may have. To get a professional outcome, you should work with a landscaper to get the perfect spot and size so that you have a functional addition. You can do this to become part of the 30% of Americans who, according to Turf Magazine, hired landscapers because they wanted to enjoy their yard more. With a garden, you can also set up a compost pit and start to recycle the food waste that you produce in your home.

Harvesting Rainwater

Finally, you can set up a rainwater harvesting installation outdoors so that you can take advantage of the water that comes from seasonal rains. This water can be used to water your garden if you have one, or even to keep your lawn green sustainably. With a purification and filtration setup, you can make more use of the waste that you harvest when it rains. This will be great for the environment and also bring your home’s water expenses down.

These are a few of the home improvements that you can make to your home’s outdoor living area to make it more comfortable and functional. Remember to plan well for any project that you do so that it can go on without a hitch. Hiring a professional will also save you a lot of time and guesswork, so this is something that you need to do each time you think about a home improvement project that you’d like to do.


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